Personalized agendas, multi-practitioners , multi-room and multi-electromedical
Making appointments has never been so easy!
Online agenda complete and organized! Customize it according to your needs, don't miss any appointment!
How can I manage the booking calendar?
The agenda is always accessible from any mobile, tablet, desktop. Every specialists can manager their availability and agenda
How do I book an appointment?
Making an appointments is really easy, check when the practitioner is available and when he/she has free slot. Click on the agenda and fill in the details, you don’t need anything else!
How do I share the agenda with my colleagues?
It’s not necessary to share the agenda, you can configure every account and agenda and decide what to share or not share with your colleagues.
Can I export and print the agenda?
For those who prefer to export and print the agenda.. yes, it is possible! you can export the daily agenda in pdf format and print it.
How does the Sync with Google Calendar work?
From the account’ settings you have the possibility to sync one agenda with one google calendar. The sync will be bidirectional, you can take appointment in google calendar and visualize them in Beebeeboard and viceversa.
What's the best way to organize the agenda?
It depends from the number of the agendas you want to organize! For example with a maximum of 5 agendas you can easily use the week visualization, if there are more then 5 practitioners we recommend to visualize every single agenda.