Online Booking

Allow your patients to book online your service, accept booking 24/7 and receive payments immediately!
Manage the availability and connect it to your website or social media pages

An easy and real Online Booking system personalized based on your needs

You choose what to make available online and at what time of the day
Online Booking
In a increasingly smart world.. allow your customer to book online in a fast and easy way!
  • Personalized and dedicated area
  • Get payments immediately or at the end of the appointment

  • Automatic Reminders
  • Direct connection with your website or social media pages










How can patients book online?

They can book online directly from your website or from a dedicated area, they can choose the practitioner and the service they would like to book and at the end they will have to chose day and time.

How can I receive payments from patients?

From your account settings you have the possibility to connect one or more online payments methods such as PayPal, Stripe or your bank virtual pos. The payment will be automatically registered in Beebebeoard and if the payments doesn’t go through successfully the reservation will be cancelled within 15 minutes

How does the Online Booking system interacts with the practitioner agenda?

The agendas will be the same, the only difference is that you have to set the availability working hours/shift in order to have online availability

Does the data and the way it is processed comply with the GDPR?

Yes, of course. Our entire platform complies with GDPR European Law, Data is stored in Amazon’s server based in Frankfurt, so within the EU.

Does the patient receive a confirmation email?

Yes,at the end, your patients will receive a confirmation email with the details of the reservation. In addition he/she will receive a reminder as for the other bookings

Is Online Booking system free?

Online Booking service is ad additional feature and its costs is calculated based on how many agendas you want to activate


The solution for independent doctor


For different specialists who share the working environment


For more complex clinical structures with different professionals

Prices simple and tailored to your clinic size.

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